Philips - Interference Baby

Brand Philips have an impressive portfolio of consumer products aimed to make life easier and be essential items for your home. We made a series of viral ads and short films that were aimed to share and give a creative ‘smile in the mind’ for the audience as well as show them that these products are specifically designed to solve their household problems. 

Philips ADVENT DECT Baby Monitor with zero interference.

Philips - Mouse

Demonstrating the sheer power in the Philips Performer vacuum cleaner being their most powerful ever.

I particularly enjoyed working on the George Bush ad that was tactically run to coincide with Obama’s presidential inauguration which also got picked up in lots of online press and made the brand a talking point on this historical day.

VW Polo - The Voice

Our brief was to launch the new VW Polo was to build a prospect pool of female drivers for each of the 183 VW Retailers. But we had to do it in the worst automotive sales slump for a generation, industry sales were down 60%. In addition our female audience really didn’t like going to showrooms.

A new strategy was needed, one that launched the new VW Polo outside of the retailer. We created the VW Polo Timeless Film Festival which we launched with a promotional cinema ad. This drove thousands of women to VW Polo website to vote for a film that they believed had ‘endured the test of time’ reflecting the new Polo’s positioning. 

In doing so they received free tickets to see the film again on the big screen and the car in a fully branded VW Polo experience. Resulting in 2.5m women seeing the promotional cinema ad, 55,000 visits to the website, 35,000 attended the Film Festival and got the full Polo experience leading to 55% saying they were more interested in the VW Polo following the event.

Remember A Charity

Remember a Charity is a consortium of 200 of the UK’s favourite charities who have all come together to raise awareness of legacy giving, so they can continue their good work, long into the future.

Leaving a gift in your Will to charity, after taking care of family and friends, is the ultimate way to pass on something wonderful for generations to come. An advertising campaign was needed to raise awareness, aimed at the Boomers and Gen X target audience to get them to consider leaving a gift and make their last wishes something to remember.

Watch the campaign reel below to see the full campaign.

Changing Faces

Changing Faces wanted to create a campaign to alter public attitudes to children with facial disfigurements. To tackle four common assumptions about children with disfigurements: they are low achievers; they are less socially skilled and confident; they are shy and retiring; and they lead tragic, pitiful lives.

The posters were designed to tackle such attitudes by showing the children in happy, confident poses alongside comments that challenged negative assumptions. 

Posters were displayed at London Underground stations for a week in January and on billboards nationally from March. 3.5 million underground passengers saw the posters and the number of hits on the Changing Faces website more than doubled in the week the campaign was shown on the underground.

The children, Max, Lucas, Harry and Lauren, aged from nine to 13, also appeared in Billboard Kids, a 30-minute documentary about how the campaign was created. This was aired on BBC2 & CBBC and attracted over 100,000 viewers.

Adverts appeared in The Independent and the campaign attracted coverage on This Morning, BBC London News, ITV Yorkshire and Five News, and in The Guardian and various newspapers.

Winnie Coutinho, head of campaigns and communications at Changing Faces, said: “The children in our posters radiate a positive sense of themselves, which we hope will encourage people to re-evaluate any limiting assumptions that they might have had about people with disfigurements.”

VW Golf Launch

Fully integrated campaign to launch the new and even more luxurious Golf, CRM communications and interactive showroom events and test drives.


We asked Persil customers to tell us their favourite washing tips and then we produced ‘The Little of Washing Tips’.

Other examples of advertising and design can be found in my design portfolio.